Friday, November 8, 2013

Daniel Fast Day #8: Did you MAKE time to EXERCISE today?

Exercise. It's a taboo word for some, but it's my passion and livelihood! I don't need to list all of the benefits of exercise (I'll leave that to the pretty little image I've added below!) Everyone knows that it's good for you and that we should all do it, but we don't!

As a trainer, I hear lots of "reasons" why people don't "have time" to exercise. They are legitimate reasons, however, it doesn't mean you are EXCUSED! We still have to do it-  it's like brushing your teeth, taking out the garbage or paying taxes. It has to be done.

As a nation, we have spent a lot of money raising "AWARENESS" of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and mental disorders. Now that we are aware,  can we please focus on making changes instead?

In an ideal world everyone would exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday- but 3-5 days/week is a good place to start. I've committed to daily exercise (outside of my normal activity levels of teaching and training) for everyday I'm on the Daniel Fast. I hope you will consider MAKING the time for it yourself, because I know plenty of people who are still hoping to FIND the time. Now, please, excuse me as I hop off my soapbox!

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