Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tasty TidBit Tuesday: Tart Cherry Juice

One of my new favorite ways to wind down in the evening is with 6oz Tart Cherry Juice. I've been putting it in my wine glass so it's a little more fun and it tastes delicious!

I prefer the Tart Cherry Juice from Trader Joe's because it's not made from concentrate- just make sure you shake it before you pour, it will have some separation of the pulp.

 Why you should drink Cherry Juice too: 

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, studies show daily drinking can help tremendously with arthritis and that's also great for muscle recovery after exercise
  • Contains a boatload of antioxidants- can we say cancer prevention?
  • Regulates blood sugar levels- goodbye diabetes risk! 
  • It also contains natural melatonin- which will help you doze off a little faster- which is why I drink it at night. 

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