Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are you IIN®?

I first heard about The Institutefor Integrative Nutrition®
when I was working as a health coach for Wellness Coaches USA.  I decided to attend a free digestion workshop at the Lululemon show room in Louisville, so I could better educate my clients.  The speaker of the workshop was an upcoming graduate of the IIN® program and she talked about things I had never heard of! This left me conflicted...on one hand I was fired up about researching the theories she discussed, but I also left feeling very inadequate as I was already
working as a health coach and didn't know these things. A few weeks later, one of my sorority sisters created a Facebook page advertising her health coaching services and started posting articles around some of the same topics I heard about in the workshop! After some Facebook stalking :-), I realized that Haley, was also an upcoming graduate of the IIN® program! I was intrigued now and had to know more about this institution! 

What is IIN®?

“The Health Coach Training Program is a year-long online course specially designed for people who are passionate about health and wellness. Whether you’re interested in learning about nutrition, launching a meaningful new career, or even changing the world, Integrative Nutrition will empower you to transform your life and achieve your personal and professional goals.
Integrative Nutrition’s comprehensive curriculum covers over 100 dietary theories and combines counseling techniques with real-world business training. Its unique nutrition philosophy takes a holistic approach to wellness and encourages students to consider relationships, work, exercise, and spirituality as essential to building good health.”

So here I am. Back in “school!” I’m excited for the year ahead and seeing what unfolds for my future in fitness!

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