Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Friday Funny: Need help remembering to exercise?

Friday Funny: Broiled Skinless Chicken Breast...it's what's for dinner!

Tasty TidBit Tuesday: Cherry Chia Juice

On the latest post of Tasty TidBit Tuesday I wrote about the health benefits of Tart Cherry Juice- but now I've started mixing 2 TBSP of Chia Seeds into my 6 oz of juice and I love it!

Chia Seeds (yes, like the Chia Pet!)  are an amazing SUPERFOOD! Why?
  1. Helps regulate blood sugar- goodbye diabetes! 
  2. Evidence shows it can help lower blood pressure
  3. Has Anti-oxidants for cancer prevention
  4. Has anti-inflammatory benefits
  5. Assists in weight loss or weight stabilization since 2 TBSP has only 70 calories but is packed with 6g Fiber, 3g Protein and Omega 3 fatty acids!


My favorite brand is Navitas Chia Power- which I found at Whole Foods- but you can also purchase online or in other health food stores! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tasty TidBit Tuesday: Tart Cherry Juice

One of my new favorite ways to wind down in the evening is with 6oz Tart Cherry Juice. I've been putting it in my wine glass so it's a little more fun and it tastes delicious!

I prefer the Tart Cherry Juice from Trader Joe's because it's not made from concentrate- just make sure you shake it before you pour, it will have some separation of the pulp.

 Why you should drink Cherry Juice too: 

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, studies show daily drinking can help tremendously with arthritis and that's also great for muscle recovery after exercise
  • Contains a boatload of antioxidants- can we say cancer prevention?
  • Regulates blood sugar levels- goodbye diabetes risk! 
  • It also contains natural melatonin- which will help you doze off a little faster- which is why I drink it at night. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

What goes around, come around!

During my Daniel Fast in November- I tried to complete a different Random Act of Kindness (RAK) for each day I was on the fast. I was very successful in this and completed a total of 30 tasks for the 21 days I fasted!

I have been rewarded for my good deeds over the past 2 days when the lady in front of me at Target allowed me to use her 5% off coupon yesterday and then again today when the man in front of me at the drive through paid for my order.

It's the little things in life that mean the most!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday Funny: Pilates?

A slice of pie (1/8 of a pie) contains approximately 300 calories and up to 30g of sugar! A medium or grande latte with 2% milk can contain 200-300 calories and up to another 30g of sugar depending on the flavor shots you choose! 

It would take about 2 hours of Pilates to burn off the calories consumed by that delicious snack! Not to mention the havoc it could reap on your blood sugar levels and hormones!

There's a little food for thought on your Friday! Happy Weekend! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday Funny: You are what you eat!

But in all seriousness- it's not about being "skinny"- it's about being healthy! 

What did you do today that was good for you?

Happy Friday! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Hippocrates

Click the link and hit PLAY to watch a free screening of Food Matters. (only available for free until December 10th!)

This documentary exposes some of the issues behind our food and drug industries. It will change your life.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tasty TidBit Tuesday: Garlic Cabbage "Steaks"

In my last Green Bean Delivery  bin (more on that later!), I received 2 heads of cabbage. Since the weather has cooled off a bit, I've been craving warm foods, so coleslaw didn't seem like the best thing to make with my cabbage and I'm not a huge sauerkraut fan. So I was so excited when I stumbled across this awesome and EASY recipe for Garlic Cabbage "Steaks"!

1 Large head of Cabbage- cut into 1" thick slices (from top to "root")
Olive Oil
3-4 Garlic cloves-  minced
Salt and Pepper
Non-stick cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to 400* and spray non stick spray onto baking sheet
2. Rub minced garlic on both sides of each cabbage slice
3. Drizzle Olive Oil on both sides
4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper
5. Roast for 30 minutes, Flip and roast an additional 30 minutes or until outer ring of cabbage are caramelized 

Serve hot! YUM!