Friday, November 1, 2013

Daniel Fast Day #1- Who are you GRATEFUL for?

It's Day #1 on the Daniel Fast. 

I thought 11/1 seemed an appropriate time to start the fast. And luckily, the first fell on a Friday- so the headaches and generally terrible detox phase of the fast will hopefully take place over the weekend and will not impede my work! 

As another facet of my Daniel Fast- I wanted to use this time to be thankful and grateful for special people in my life. So, I have also decided to write a letter of gratitude to a different person for each day that I fast as well. 
Today's letter was written to my husband, Justin. He's a rock star of a drummer and has a passion for music- but he also holds a full time job- which is what allows me the flexibility to currently work part-time as a fitness instructor and personal trainer and to explore my future career while enrolled in the IIN® program for the next year. I appreciate his hard work and dedication to his band and hope to make him happy and proud of me. 
I hope that you will also consider taking time to thank the special people around you! 

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